{ "now": "2025-02-12T09:25:58.738Z", "expiry": "2025-02-12T09:26:03.658Z" }
Vantage Point Community may collect general information about you, such as your name, address and contact details so Vantage Point Community can contact you. The information collected may include some sensitive information (as defined by the Privacy Act), such as health information or information about your beliefs, relevant to the services or assistance you have requested from Vantage Point Community. Vantage Point Community also operates still and video cameras within and around our facilities and at external events which may collect personal information in the form of images. Where practicable, the purpose for which we collect personal information will be made clear at the time of collection. Vantage Point Community will not collect any personal information about visitors to the website except when they knowingly provide it.
Vantage Point Community will use the personal information we collect for the purpose disclosed at the time of collection, or otherwise as set out in this Privacy Policy. The primary purpose of collecting your personal information is to keep you informed about the events and activities of Vantage Point Community that are relevant to you. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without first seeking your consent, unless authorised or required by law. Generally, we will only use and disclose your personal information as follows:
(a) to keep you informed of new developments we believe may be of interest to you. If we contact you in this way without obtaining your prior consent, we will provide you with the opportunity to decline any further promotional communications; (b) to register you for events; (c) to establish and maintain your involvement with Vantage Point Community, including answering any queries raised; (d) to provide the products or services you have requested from Vantage Point Community.
You can request access to the personal information that Vantage Point Community holds about you by contacting Vantage Point Community’s Shared Services Manager as set out below. We will provide you with access to your personal information unless we are legally authorised to refuse your request.
If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please let us know and we will delete that information wherever practicable.
Vantage Point Community will take reasonable steps to keep secure any personal information which we hold and to keep this information accurate, complete and up to date. Personal information is stored in secure servers or secure files.
Vantage Point Community uses a private dedicated online Management System (‘the System’) as its primary datastore for personal information. Vantage Point Community has full control over who is authorized to access and use this system. Access rights are regularly reviewed and updated or removed as appropriate. Misuse or abuse of the System will result in immediate suspension of access. Recipients of official emails have the opportunity to opt-out or change communication preferences via a link in the footer of all non-transactional email messages.
If you would like any further information, or have any queries, problems or complaints relating to the Vantage Point Community’s Privacy Policy or our information handling practices in general, please contact our Shared Services Manager by calling +61 3 9844 4465 or emailing admin@vantagepoint.community
If you prefer to send a letter, please address it to: Shared Services Manager, Vantage Point Church, 320 Reynolds Rd, Donvale VIC 3111